حلول الأسئلة
Change “house” to something else and chant in pairs.
- There was a little green box.
- And in the little green box.
- There was a little brown box.
- And in the little brown box.
- There was a little yellow box.
- And in the little yellow box.
- There was a little white box.
- And in the little white box.
- There was a little red ball.
شاهد حلول جميع الاسئلة
Unit 5: Hanging Out in Town
Reading and Writing
2. Change “house” to something else and chant in pairs.
- There was a little green box.
- And in the little green box.
- There was a little brown box.
- And in the little brown box.
- There was a little yellow box.
- And in the little yellow box.
- There was a little white box.
- And in the little white box.
- There was a little red ball.
Challenge Time!
Can you write your own version of the There Was a Little Green House chant and add pictures?
Use words for rooms and things in the rooms.
A Big White House.
There was a big white house.
And in the big white house.
There were two floors.
And on the first floor,
There was a living room.
And next to the living room.
There was a dining room.
And on the second floor.
There were two bedrooms.
And in the bedrooms.
There were beds, chairs, and clothes.
3. Unscramble the words and write the sentences. Begin with a capital letter.
garden have barbecues like to in our in June we.
We like to barbecues in our garden in June.
gave of glue my friend me a huge bottle.
My friend gave me a huge bottle of glue.
Challenge Time!
4. signs
Can you read the signs?
1. No parking.
2. Keep of grass.
3. No Skateboards.
4. No bicycles.
5. No shouting
6. Library.
7. Warning! please Switch Off All Cell phones.
8. Please Do Not Litter.
9. No Eating. No Drinking.
10. No Balls.